Simposio de Investigaciones en Salud

Ficheros del evento

XV Simposio de Investigaciones en Salud

Universidad del Valle - Sede San Fernando

Cali, CO

octubre 16, 2013 – octubre 17, 2013

Here she comes to wreck the day. brain freeze. look ma i'm road kill kinda hot in these rhinos. it's because i'm green isn't it! we got no food we got no money and our pets heads are falling off! haaaaaaarry. excuse me, i'd like to ass you a few questions. it's because i'm green isn't it! i just heard about evans new position,good luck to you evan backstabber, bastard, i mean baxter. kinda hot in these rhinos. look ma i'm road kill brain freeze.

Alrighty then excuse me, i'd like to ass you a few questions. good morning, oh in case i don't see you, good afternoon, good evening and goodnight. we got no food we got no money and our pets heads are falling off! haaaaaaarry. look ma i'm road kill i just heard about evans new position,good luck to you evan backstabber, bastard, i mean baxter. your entrance was good, his was better. here she comes to wreck the day. your entrance was good, his was better. we're going for a ride on the information super highway. your entrance was good, his was better. we got no food we got no money and our pets heads are falling off! haaaaaaarry.

Good morning, oh in case i don't see you, good afternoon, good evening and goodnight. we're going for a ride on the information super highway. excuse me, i'd like to ass you a few questions. look at that, it's exactly three seconds before i honk your nose and pull your underwear over your head. here she comes to wreck the day. kinda hot in these rhinos. hey, maybe i will give you a call sometime. your number still 911? we're going for a ride on the information super highway. good morning, oh in case i don't see you, good afternoon, good evening and goodnight. look at that, it's exactly three seconds before i honk your nose and pull your underwear over your head. look at that, it's exactly three seconds before i honk your nose and pull your underwear over your head. hey, maybe i will give you a call sometime. your number still 911?

I just heard about evans new position,good luck to you evan backstabber, bastard, i mean baxter. alrighty then hey, maybe i will give you a call sometime. your number still 911? alrighty then it's because i'm green isn't it! brain freeze.

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XIV Simposio de Investigaciones en Salud, 2012

Universidad del Valle, Sede San Fernando



Cali, CO

octubre 17, 2012 – octubre 19, 2012

Afiche XIV Simposio de Investigaciones en Salud

Las memorias de las conferencias las puede ver y descargar desde este enlace.

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XIII Simposio de Investigaciones en Salud, 2011

Universidad del Valle - Facultad de Salud

Cali, CO

octubre 19, 2011 – octubre 21, 2011

La Facultad de Salud de la Universidad del Valle llevará a cabo los días 19, 20 y 21 de octubre próximos, el XIII Simposio de Investigación en Salud. En este evento, investigadores de nuestra Facultad en todas las áreas de las ciencias de la salud, podrán exponer sus trabajos originales, participar en Minisimposios, presentar posters, etc.

Para este año se ha seleccionado como tema central PRIMERA INFANCIA.

Como evento de Facultad se espera la participación de todos los estamentos universitarios, investigadores, docentes, estudiantes, personal técnico y empleados.

Con el propósito de incluir al conjunto de la comunidad universitaria, además de los docentes, estudiantes e investigadores, se invitará a los empleados y trabajadores. Las actividades lúdicas asociadas al evento estarán asociadas al tema central.

Los invitamos a participar, asistiendo a las presentaciones de los distintos ponentes que se registraron en este evento. La programación del evento ya está disponible, y la pueden consultar y descargar en el siguiente enlace:


Para más información, anexamos los siguientes documentos:

Invitacion al XIII Simposio de Investigación en Salud - Tema Central: Primera Infancia.
Informacion: Primera Infancia.

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