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Instrucciones para autores

I want to shoot the pigeons... off my roof. at this point, i'd set you up with a chimpanzee if it'd brought you back to the world! you know, your bobby dangler, giggle stick, your general-two-colonels, master of ceremonies... yeah, don't be shy, let's have a look. pull my finger! you're only supposed to blow the bloody doors off! i took a viagra, got stuck in me throat, i've had a stiff neck for hours. jasper: your baby is the miracle the whole world has been waiting for. i want to shoot the pigeons... off my roof. pull my finger! you're only supposed to blow the bloody doors off! you know, your bobby dangler, giggle stick, your general-two-colonels, master of ceremonies... yeah, don't be shy, let's have a look. you are as precious to me as you were to your own mother and father. i swore to them that i would protect you, and i haven't.

My lord! you're a tripod. your were only supposed to blow the bloody doors off. yes, i used a machine gun. i took a viagra, got stuck in me throat, i've had a stiff neck for hours. it's not the size mate, it's how you use it. you wouldn't hit a man with no trousers on, would you? you wouldn't hit a man with no trousers on, would you? at this point, i'd set you up with a chimpanzee if it'd brought you back to the world! my lord! you're a tripod. you are as precious to me as you were to your own mother and father. i swore to them that i would protect you, and i haven't. you are as precious to me as you were to your own mother and father. i swore to them that i would protect you, and i haven't. i want to shoot the pigeons... off my roof.

Jasper: your baby is the miracle the whole world has been waiting for. jasper: your baby is the miracle the whole world has been waiting for. pull my finger! when i get back, remind to tell you about the time i took 100 nuns to nairobi! when i get back, remind to tell you about the time i took 100 nuns to nairobi! it's not the size mate, it's how you use it. my lord! you're a tripod. when i get back, remind to tell you about the time i took 100 nuns to nairobi! it's not the size mate, it's how you use it. yes, i used a machine gun. your were only supposed to blow the bloody doors off. you know, your bobby dangler, giggle stick, your general-two-colonels, master of ceremonies... yeah, don't be shy, let's have a look.

You're only supposed to blow the bloody doors off! i took a viagra, got stuck in me throat, i've had a stiff neck for hours. yes, i used a machine gun. your were only supposed to blow the bloody doors off. at this point, i'd set you up with a chimpanzee if it'd brought you back to the world! you wouldn't hit a man with no trousers on, would you?


Lista de requisitos para los envíos online

  1. Verificar que el Resumen tiene título, introducción, objetivos y conclusiones.
  2. Verificar que el título no tenga más de 10 palabras
  3. Verificar las palabras clave (3 -6) y que estas correspondan a las indexadas por MESH (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/mesh)
  4. Verificar los autores con correo electrónico y el orden en el cual han acordado
  5. Verificar los autores con correo electrónico y el orden en el cual han acordado
  6. Verificar la sección a la cual corresponde el trabajo de investigación

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La información del usuario registrada aquí no será empleada con fines comerciales y/o de lucro, y sólo el usuario y el administrador de este sitio pueden acceder a esta y modificarla de acuerdo a las normas de conducta establecidas por el Simposio.
